is excited to host
a LIVE virtual series by
Alan B. McDaniel MD
FREE Weekly Live Sessions start on June 9, 2024.
New Clinical Endocrinology is an Integrative approach to the individual patient who has not found relief in a traditional medical practice
This method is a more nuanced way to look at the entire Endocrine system including practical application and the most up to date evidence-based research.
Alan McDaniel, MD is the mentor who taught me how to care for patients with hypothyroid symptoms but "normal" lab values. He's going to teach us not only the thyroid stuff, but his entire method for hormone balancing. This is an evidence-based and well-supported method, and has yielded great results for me, including two term pregnancies for patients who had previously been unable to carry a pregnancy to term. (and I'm ENT!)
This is a Deep dive, and will challenge the old paradigms we learned in med school.
- Introduction to New Clinical Endocrinology
- The Laboratory
- Thyroid Physiology and Dysfunction: Diagnosis and Treatment
- Part 1 - Normal function and testing
Part 2 - Pathology, diagnosis and Treatment Tricky cases
- The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis: Regulation and Disruption
- The Adrenal Gland: Stress and Chronic Fatigue
- Hypogonadism, Andropause, and HRT for Men
- The Ovaries: PMS, Menstrual Problems and HRT for Menopause
- Insulin Resistance: The Metabolic Syndrome and Type II Diabetes
- Bones and Hormones: Evaluating the osteoporotic Patient for PTH
- "Vitamin" D and related Problems
- Case Presentations
Join Our NEW ENDOCRINOLOGY Weekly Lecture Series - FREE!
Sessions start Summer 2024!
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